
We are looking for enthusiastic graduate students or Postdocs to join our lab. If you are interested in working in an exciting interdisciplinary field and would like to apply your computational skills in biological or medical research then please contact us! We are interested in candidates with backgrounds in physics, engineering, computer science, bioengineering, applied math or mathematical biology. If interested, please reach out to: [email protected].

Staff Research Associate

We have an open position for a Staff Research Associate. The position is ideally suited for people who have completed a BSc degree in either Physics, Math, Computer Science or Bioengineering and who would like to gain research experience before applying to graduate school:

Graduate Students / Lab Rotations

We have multiple openings for graduate students interested in joining the lab. Please reach out to [email protected] to learn more about potential projects and lab rotations within the Biophysics, Biological and Medical Informatics, Bioengineering, TETRAD or BMS graduate programs at UCSF and UC Berkeley. UCSF has a centralized Ph.D. admission system and applicants interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in our lab need to apply to one of our graduate schools.

Postdoctoral Scholars

We are happy to receive applications from canddates interested in pursuing Postdoctoral work in our lab. Candidates should have expertise in computational physiology, quantitative biology, medical informatics, artificial intelligence or computational research and have a strong interest in applying these skills to problems in biology and medical imaging. Please reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

We value a diverse and inclusive work environment.