
New Lab Member!

By Jan Christoph on September 03, 2021
We welcome our new lab member Namita Ravi.

Presented at Physiology 2021

By Jan Christoph on July 15, 2021
I presented our work at the Physiology 2021 conference held virtually this year (abstract). We discussed some of the latest technical advances in electrophysiology during the symposium 'Seeing, Feeling, and Hearing Electrophysiology in Excitable Organs

Presented at SIAM DS21 Conference

By Jan Christoph on May 28, 2021
We presented our work at the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics's (SIAM) Conference on Dynamical Systems held virtually this year.

Up and running!

By Jan Christoph on May 04, 2021
I have joined the University of California San Francisco and am now a faculty member of the Cardiovascular Research Institute!
